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Special news conference on intellectual property policy of Yangtze River Delta eco green integration development demonstration zone held in Qingpu


       On March 24, the Executive Committee of the Yangtze River Delta eco green integration development demonstration zone held a special news ventilation meeting in Zhujiajiao Town, Qingpu District, jointly with the market supervision bureau (Intellectual Property Bureau), people's court and people's Procuratorate in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and issued and interpreted the "on the first trial of strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights in the demonstration area of ecological green integration in the Yangtze River Delta" Several initiatives (hereinafter referred to as "several initiatives"). Zhangchuanbo, deputy director of Jiangsu Intellectual Property Bureau, attended the news conference and answered the questions of reporters.


        The "several measures" are jointly formulated and promulgated by the Executive Committee of the demonstration zone, together with the market supervision bureau (Intellectual Property Bureau), the people's court and the people's Procuratorate of one city in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. The measures focus on the key links of cross regional intellectual property, and put forward 16 measures in advance in four aspects: promoting joint protection of intellectual property, strengthening the sharing and flow of intellectual property service resources, promoting the integration of intellectual property management services and strengthening the system guarantee of integration of intellectual property protection.

       According to tangxiaodong, deputy director of the Executive Committee of the demonstration zone, several measures, as the first guiding document in China to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights across provinces, are innovative measures to promote the free flow of technical elements across administrative regions in the demonstration zone, and an innovative practice in the field of intellectual property protection to explore the concept of "not breaking administrative membership and breaking administrative boundaries". The introduction of several measures is conducive to promoting the unification of the administrative law enforcement standards and judicial judgment standards of intellectual property in the demonstration area, improving the linkage mechanism of administrative law enforcement and justice in the three districts of "qingwujia"; it is conducive to strengthening the sharing of intellectual property service resources among the three regions, forming a public service system of intellectual property rights for the benefit of the people, and making the innovation achievements better benefit the people of the demonstration area; it is conducive to better improving We will play a market role, create a good business environment in the demonstration area, and promote the independent and orderly flow and efficient allocation of innovation elements.

        Zhang Chuanbo, deputy director, in response to the reporter's questions, introduced the construction of Jiangsu intellectual property protection center. According to the introduction, Jiangsu Province has five protection centers, ranking the second in the country, and the business capacity ranks the top in the country. In the second national patent pre-examination business competition of the national intellectual property protection center, Nanjing Center and Suzhou center have respectively obtained the first and second place achievements. By the end of 2020, there are 3216 established and operated protection centers in Changzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou. In 2020, 4600 applications for rapid patent examination and approval, 3268 qualified and 1853 patents have been authorized in 2020, which effectively maintain the innovation achievements of the enterprise, stimulate the innovation enthusiasm of the enterprise and become the "green channel" for the protection of intellectual property rights of enterprises. Next, Jiangsu Intellectual Property Office will further strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the two provincial and municipal protection centers under the framework of several measures. According to the industrial development needs of the demonstration zone, it will actively report to the State Intellectual Property Office, explore and carry out cross regional cross industry pilot projects of the Protection Center, strengthen the spillover effect of the protection center, and strengthen the spillover effect of the protection center, and in the talent training, early warning assistance, patent navigation, intellectual property The right operation provides intellectual support and resource guarantee for the demonstration area.

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